History 98 What sate is called "Mother of Presidents"? Kentucky Virginia Pennslyvania Ohio 2What is the oldest American university? Harvard Princeton Yale Radcliff 1What was the nickname of General John Joseph Pershing? Big John Black Jack Big Joe Black Bart 2Which member of Appollo II crew remained in the space ship? M. Scott Carpenter Edwin Aldrin Michael Collins Gus Grissom 3Who was the only bachelor President of the U.S ? Zackary Taylor James Polk James Buchanan Martin Van Buren 3Who used a long barreled pistol called Buntline Special? Doc Holliday Wyatt Earp Matt Dillon Billy the Kid 2What was Clinton's Folly? Purchase of Alaska Louisiana Purchase Steamboat Erie Canal 4What was the first state to ratify the Contitution? Delaware Massachusetts Maryland Virginia 1What was Doc Holiday's real name? John Wesley John Henry James Henry James Arnold 3What was the first name of Dr. Frankenstein? Wilhelm Wilbur Victor Vernon 3How many victories were credited to the Red Barron? Ninety Eighty Seventy Sixty 2What was the name of the Appollo II Lunar Module? Falcon Intrepid Eagle Freedom 3What was the name of the B-29 that dropped a bomb on Hiroshima? Suzie Q Enola Gay Lady Be Good Bock's Car 2What was the price paid for the Louisiana Purchase? 10 Million 15 Million 20 Million 25 Million 2What was the capsule in which John Glenn orbitted the earth? Intrepid 2 Friendship 7 Enterprise Apollo 2 2What was the name of Robert Fulton's (Fulton's Folly) steamboat? Clermont Montclair Clybourne Clairmount 1In what state did the Hatfield-McCoy feud occur? Virginia Tennessee West Virginia Kentucky 4Who was Time Magazine's "Man of the Year 1938"? Franklin Roosevelt Joseph Stalin Adolph Hitler Charels DeGaulle 3Who was Richard Nixon's Chif of staff during the final days of Watergate? Alexander Haig John Mitchell H. R. Halderman John D. Ehrlichman 1What was the location of Alaskan gold discovery? Sutter's Creek Twentymile Stream Akiak Fortymile Creek 4What was the sister ship to Lusitania? Mauretania Alsentania Rusetania Massetania 1What was the Nickname of President Andrew Jackson? Tippacanoe Old Hickory Old Ironsides Old Rough & Ready 2What was the nickname of President Zackary Taylor? Tippacone Old Hickory Blood & Guts Old Rough & Ready 4What was the name of the first American steam locomotive? Iron Mike Iron Horse Tom Thumb Fulton's Folly 3What is nickname for the British soldier? Tommy Atkins Bobby Bond Tommy Blake Bobby Adams 1What U.S. state lived under six flags? Texas Arazona New Mexico None 1How many Israeli commandos died in the Enteble raid? None One Three Five 2What was the full name of F.W. Woolworth, five and dime magnate? Frank Willard Frederick Wilheim Frank Winfield Fred Woodward 3Who's the only women to have won two Nobel Prizes? Nelly Sachs Gabriela Mistral Mother Theresa Marie Curie 4What British cith did Hitler study art in? London Manchester Birmingham Liverpool 4What floor of the Empire State Builing was hit by a B-25 bomber in 1945? 75th 77th 79th Top Floor 3What was George Nelson's nickname? Scarface Machine Gun Baby-Face Gorgeous George 3What U.S. president's news conferences were called the best matinee in town? Richard Nixon Franklin D. Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Jimmy Carter 3Who is known as "The Father of Western Philosophy"? Plato Pluto Socrates Aristotle 1What was William Tell's nationality? Swiss German French British 1How many states did Richard Nixon carry in 1972? 45 47 49 50 3Who besides Ulysses S. Grant is buried in Grant's Tomb? His Dog His Wife His Horse His Vice-president 2What general first commandedUnited Nations forces in Korean War? Dwight Eisenhower Douglas Mac Arthur Alexander Haig None of the above 2What country suffered the most combat deaths in WWII ? Germany Russia Japan Great Britian 2In what city was the first traffic light installed on August 5, 1914? Ney York City Philadelphia, Penn. Cleveland, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio 3Who was John F. Kennedy's secretary of state? Dean Rusk John Dean Averill Harriman Robert Kennedy 1How many wives did Mormon leader Brigham Young have? 27 54 21 1 1Who was the only U.S. Five Star General? Eisenhower MacArthur Patton Bradley 1What French port did 200,000British troops flee on June 4, 1940 Dunkirk Marseille Strasboug Bordeaux 1What Roman emperor made his horse a senator? Nero Caligula Ceasar Claudius I 2Who was the long-range World War I German cannon Big Bertha named for? Bertha Butt Bertram Werner Bertha Faulkner Bertha Krupp 4What country was the scene of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 China Japan Russia India 1What year did the lights go out in New York? 1961 1963 1965 1967 3What city is home to the Mayo Clinic? Rochester, Minnesota Rochester, New York Syracuse, New York Minneapolis, Minnesota 1What's the second largest country in the world? Russia Greenland Sweden Canada 4Who wrote "Sons and Lovers"? Ernest Hemingway D.H. Lawrence T.S. Eliot Irving Wallace 2What river is known as "The Child of the Ocean"? Yangtze Yukon Rhine Mekong 1Where is the Longchamps Racetrack? Paris London Munich Geneva 1What Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City? William Faulkner Norman Mailer John Steinbeck James Michener 2What lake is the source of the White Nile? Lake Victoria Lake Chad Lake Tanganyika Lake Titicaca 1Who Wrote "The Exorcist"? Issac Asimou William Peter Blatty Louis L'Amour Irving Wallace 2What city is the setting of James Joyce's novel "Ulysses"? Dublin Rome Glascow Naples 1What meter was invented by C.C. Magee in 1935? Volt-Ohm meter Weather meter Parking meter Gas meter 3What is the name of the Wilkes plantation in "Gone with the Wind"? The Oaks Twelve Oaks The Willows Seven Trees 2What is the largest fresh- water lake in the world? Lake Victoria Lake Huron Lake Superior Lake Michigan 3What actor wrote "The Moon'sa Balloon"? David Niven George Segal Lawrence Harvey George Brent 1What two countries are joined by the Ambassador Bridge? Canada & United States Mexico & United States France & Spain England & Scotland 1What is the largest county in the United States? Elko, Nevada Beaverton, Montana San Bernadino, California Brewster, Texas 3What was the age of Huckleberry Finn? 12 13 14 15 2In what country is Transylvania, homeland of Count Dracula? Bulgaria Romania Yugoslavia Poland 2What is the Eternal City? London Paris Warsaw Rome 4What country's capital is Tripoli? Algeria Sudan Ethiopia Libya 4What is the smallest of the Great Lakes? Lake Ontario Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Michigan 1Where is Gorki Park? Moscow London East Berlin Leningrad 1What is the most widely known character in fiction in English? Sherlock Holmes Tarzan Mike Hammer Charlie Chan 1What country can claim Magallones, the world's southernmost city? New Zealand Argentina Chili none of the above 3What state boasts Stone Mt.,the world's largest mass of exposed granite? Wyoming Georgia Utah Montana 2What country suffers from the most earthquakes? Italy Japan Chili China 2What state other than AlaskaHawaii, or Washington has anactive valcano? Idaho Oregon California None of the above 3What is the thickness of theEarth's Atmosphere? 100 miles 120 miles 140 miles 160 miles 2In what country is the DalaiLana's palace? Burma Persia India Tibet 4What body of water borders Saudia Arabia to the East? Caspian Sea Red Sea Persian Gulf Black Sea 3Who wrote "The Purloined Letter"? T.S. Eliot Edgar Allen Poe Ogden Nash Irwin Shaw 2What news magazine did HenryLuce and Briton Hadden found? Newsweek Life Time Look 3Where is the Henry Ford Museum? Flint, Michigan Detroit, Michigan Dearborn, Michigan Lansing, Michigan 3What U.S. state includes theSan Juan Islands? California Maine Florida Washington 4What French painter was the subject of Somerset Maughams"The Moon & Sixpence"? Henri Matisse Henri de Toulouse Paul Gauguin Vincent van Gogh 3What was Cinderella's real name? Cindy Esmerella Ellen Ella 4What is the capital of Switzerland? Bern Geneva Basel Zurich 1What country borders the most others? Czechoslakia Chad Faire Soviet Union 4What state is Mount Rushmorein? North Dakota South Dakota Montana Nebraska 2What time does Wee Willie Winkle Run through the town? Six o'clock Eight o'clock Ten o'clock Twelve o'clock 2What is the capital of Syria? Aleppo Damascus Homs Kampala 2What city is home Yale University? New Haven, Connecticut New London, Connecticut New Bedford,Rhode Island Boston, Massachusetts 1What is the name of Tom Sawyer's aunt with whom he lived? Maggie Aggie Penny Polly 4How many time zones are there in Canada? Four Five Six Seven 4What Comedian wrote "Happi- ness is a Dry Martini"? Dean Martin Johnny Carson Foster Brooks None of the above 2What is the most commonly- spoken language in Belgium? English French German Belgiumese 2What was the cargo of HMS Bounty at the time of the Mutiny? Wheat Breadfruit trees Gold and silver Spices and silks 2What did Alfred Nobel, whosewill established the "Nobel Prize", invent? Typewriter Cyanide Dynamite Linotype machine 3What was the number of Germans captured by Sgt.Yorkin the battle of Argonne ? less than 100 112 122 132 4What is the highest mountainin Europe? Dom Matterhorn Monte Rosa Mont Blanc 4